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British colonisation

Unspinning our convict beginnings

Finding a dumping ground for convicts is the usual reason given for British colonisation of Australia in the 18th century. However, Helen Lobato says that new research by La Trobe University’s Alan Frost indicates that this was mere spin, a distraction from the real reason behind the First Fleet.

Unspinning our convict beginnings

Finding a dumping ground for convicts is the usual reason given for British colonisation of Australia in the 18th century. However, Helen Lobato says that new research by La Trobe University’s Alan Frost indicates that this was mere spin, a distraction from the real reason behind the First Fleet.

more from British colonisation

Unspinning our convict beginnings

Finding a dumping ground for convicts is the usual reason given for British colonisation of Australia in the 18th century. However, Helen Lobato says that new research by La Trobe University’s Alan Frost indicates that this was mere spin, a distraction from the real reason behind the First Fleet.