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international relations

Law and order in the South China Sea

After an international tribunal in The Hague ruled against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea last month, the Chinese Government has hit out against

Signing away our sovereignty

Campbell Elmer discusses investor-state dispute settlements in international trade agreements and how they can cause more harm than good.

Law and order in the South China Sea

After an international tribunal in The Hague ruled against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea last month, the Chinese Government has hit out against

Signing away our sovereignty

Campbell Elmer discusses investor-state dispute settlements in international trade agreements and how they can cause more harm than good.

more from international relations

Law and order in the South China Sea

After an international tribunal in The Hague ruled against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea last month, the Chinese Government has hit out against

Signing away our sovereignty

Campbell Elmer discusses investor-state dispute settlements in international trade agreements and how they can cause more harm than good.

‘Indispensable’ nation farewells ‘irreplaceable’ diplomat

At 69, veteran United States diplomat Richard Holbrooke died relatively young but in a manner which will do his reputation no harm, says Stephen Minas. He looks back on the life of a famous practitioner of a craft newly exposed to public scrutiny.