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Junior reporting job at the Illawarra Mercury

The Illawarra Mercury in NSW has a vacancy for a junior features reporter.

The Illawarra Mercury is seeking a junior features reporter to join the newspaper.

This is an exciting opportunity for a young journalist who is keen to gain experience on a daily paper.

The successful applicant will work for the features department, covering a range of community interests from arts and culture to entertainment, social affairs and lifestyle trends.

The role offers the opportunity to develop in-depth interviewing and writing skills while working as part of an experienced and multi-skilled team.

The Mercury’s head office is in Wollongong, 90 minutes from the Sydney CBD and five minutes from the beach and escarpment.

Remuneration will be based on skills and experience.

For further information contact deputy editor Carol Johnstone or features editor Denise Everton on 02 4221 2206.

See the full advertisement for more details.  Applications are due by October 4.

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