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Canberra man released from US jail

Canberra man Baxter Reid, who was imprisoned in the US after overstaying his visa by just 90 minutes, has today been released from custody. The 26-year-old

Freakshake Phenomenon

What began as a small regular cafe in Canberra, Pâtissez became an overnight sensation thanks to their creation of freakshakes. “This little store in Canberra went from

Break Point Episode 9

Break Point is back, discussing all you need to know from the week of tennis.

Real action and slow politics

By conflating real action with real results, do we risk minimising the importance of time, persuasion and symbolism in politics, asks Sheenal Singh.

Springing to action: Parliament’s back

Are there new issues in Canberra to be optimistic about, or are we going to see more of the same from our politicians during the spring sitting period, asks Tim Viney.