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Pussy Riot: when art is deemed irresponsible

Punk band Pussy Riot have been arrested and deemed ‘irresponsible’ by the Russian government, but why is their music being silenced? Ody Kripotos investigates.

The price of freedom …

Can Western society be transformed? Matt de Neef ponders one utopian vision of the future known as The Venus Project.

Pussy Riot: when art is deemed irresponsible

Punk band Pussy Riot have been arrested and deemed ‘irresponsible’ by the Russian government, but why is their music being silenced? Ody Kripotos investigates.

The price of freedom …

Can Western society be transformed? Matt de Neef ponders one utopian vision of the future known as The Venus Project.

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Pussy Riot: when art is deemed irresponsible

Punk band Pussy Riot have been arrested and deemed ‘irresponsible’ by the Russian government, but why is their music being silenced? Ody Kripotos investigates.

The price of freedom …

Can Western society be transformed? Matt de Neef ponders one utopian vision of the future known as The Venus Project.