Film Review – Rango
The new animated film Rango, starring Johnny Depp, tells the story of a personality-changing chameleon, and as Radhika Chopra found, it was a tad bewildering.
The new animated film Rango, starring Johnny Depp, tells the story of a personality-changing chameleon, and as Radhika Chopra found, it was a tad bewildering.
The new animated film Rango, starring Johnny Depp, tells the story of a personality-changing chameleon, and as Radhika Chopra found, it was a tad bewildering.
On Stranger Tides is not as silly as the previous two films in the Pirates series, says Suzannah Marshall Macbeth. Of course, it’s Captain Jack Sparrow who saves the day, and the movie.
The new animated film Rango, starring Johnny Depp, tells the story of a personality-changing chameleon, and as Radhika Chopra found, it was a tad bewildering.