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Explainer: Objectivity in journalism

Objectivity has long been one of the important principles of journalism, but why has it now also become one of the most hotly contested? Tom Midwood takes a comical analysis.

Untying America’s legal system

Investigative reporter Mara Leveritt talks to Isabelle Laskari about her career, her books and keeping the American legal system in check.

Explainer: Objectivity in journalism

Objectivity has long been one of the important principles of journalism, but why has it now also become one of the most hotly contested? Tom Midwood takes a comical analysis.

Untying America’s legal system

Investigative reporter Mara Leveritt talks to Isabelle Laskari about her career, her books and keeping the American legal system in check.

more from objectivity

Explainer: Objectivity in journalism

Objectivity has long been one of the important principles of journalism, but why has it now also become one of the most hotly contested? Tom Midwood takes a comical analysis.

Untying America’s legal system

Investigative reporter Mara Leveritt talks to Isabelle Laskari about her career, her books and keeping the American legal system in check.

I object

How hard is it to be fair and balanced in journalism? Alexandra Falls writes about her experiences as a rookie rural reporter and objectivity.

100 articles – ‘The creed of objectivity killed the news’

Objectivity is always cited as a core value of quality journalism. But is objectivity actually stifling quality journalism as Chris Hedges suggests? Anamaria Krunes reports on Hedges’ piece; one of the 100 articles that every journalist should read.