The UK-based site has just published a story about upstart’s 100 articles project. The piece, which was written by Laura Carroll, is entitled ‘Crowdsourcing to help university magazine produce list of 100 must-read articles’.
‘A magazine for emerging journalists produced by staff and students at Australian University La Trobe is compiling a guide to 100 articles every journalist should read,’ the article begins.
‘The 100 articles project isn’t intended to be a definitive guide, but a showcase of the varied influences and debates affecting journalism and journalists, both past and present, Lawrie Zion, senior lecture and editor-in-chief of Upstart, told The new Masters is an international course, with this year’s intake including students from more than seven countries, and the list will reflect this global outlook, he added.
‘It’s not meant to be complete, but a way of stimulating discussion about journalism from everywhere,’ he said. ‘The discussion can be followed and suggestions made on Twitter using the #100articles hashtag.’
The full text of the article can be found here.
Meanwhile if you’d like to contribute to the project by suggesting an article about journalism that every journalist should read, and writing a 200 piece about it, go to the project’s home page. Today’s featured article, by British journalist Shane Richmond, is called ‘How SEO is changing journalism’. It has been selected by James Briggs.