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July 31, 2009

The harsh reality

Australia’s appetite for reality television has yet to be sated, with the finale of MasterChef attracting more than four-million viewers. While many critics dismiss the reality genre as brainless and moronic, Gulsum Unal argues that there’s good reasons why so many of us enjoy watching it.

The harsh reality

Australia’s appetite for reality television has yet to be sated, with the finale of MasterChef attracting more than four-million viewers. While many critics dismiss the reality genre as brainless and moronic, Gulsum Unal argues that there’s good reasons why so many of us enjoy watching it.

more from July 31, 2009

A week on the desk

From rants about the media to venting frustrations about the stereotyping of gen Y; the excellent pieces which appeared in upstart this week have made my first week on the job very enjoyable.

The harsh reality

Australia’s appetite for reality television has yet to be sated, with the finale of MasterChef attracting more than four-million viewers. While many critics dismiss the reality genre as brainless and moronic, Gulsum Unal argues that there’s good reasons why so many of us enjoy watching it.