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December 16, 2010

The Oprah bonanza

Oprah Winfrey’s whirlwind tour of Australia culminated in the presentation of her iconic show in Sydney this week. Sarah Baker was there to see that the pop icon is up for anything – even sampling Vegemite.

The Oprah bonanza

Oprah Winfrey’s whirlwind tour of Australia culminated in the presentation of her iconic show in Sydney this week. Sarah Baker was there to see that the pop icon is up for anything – even sampling Vegemite.

more from December 16, 2010

Cartoon Movement

Fancy yourself a bit of a doodler? Interested in political satire? A new online movement may be just your ticket…

The Oprah bonanza

Oprah Winfrey’s whirlwind tour of Australia culminated in the presentation of her iconic show in Sydney this week. Sarah Baker was there to see that the pop icon is up for anything – even sampling Vegemite.