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March 28, 2011

The banding of success

With independent record labels springing up daily, ‘tis the season to gather your mates, set up the drum kit in your parents’ garage and start jamming, says Samantha Caldone.

The banding of success

With independent record labels springing up daily, ‘tis the season to gather your mates, set up the drum kit in your parents’ garage and start jamming, says Samantha Caldone.

more from March 28, 2011

Entries now open for ACER journalism award

Are you studying journalism or professional writing? Do you have an interest in education? If yes, then it’s time to start writing your application for the Australian Council for Educational Research journalism award.

The banding of success

With independent record labels springing up daily, ‘tis the season to gather your mates, set up the drum kit in your parents’ garage and start jamming, says Samantha Caldone.