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April 6, 2012

Demons can hold their heads high after horror week

Today marks the end of a horror week for the Melbourne Football Club, but it may be a positive with the club presenting a united front in the face of Jason Mifsud, Ben Polis and racism allegations.

Demons can hold their heads high after horror week

Today marks the end of a horror week for the Melbourne Football Club, but it may be a positive with the club presenting a united front in the face of Jason Mifsud, Ben Polis and racism allegations.

more from April 6, 2012

Comedy – 3’s Company, 2’s A Party

The attempt by 3’s Company, 2’s A Party to combine dance and comedy into a seamless performance was not entirely successful, writes Sofia Monkiewicz.

Demons can hold their heads high after horror week

Today marks the end of a horror week for the Melbourne Football Club, but it may be a positive with the club presenting a united front in the face of Jason Mifsud, Ben Polis and racism allegations.