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April 5, 2017

13:hundred 4 April

This week, 13:hundred will open with news headlines. We look at how social media could be desensitising people’s reactions to tragic events. Calvin Loncaric presents

13:hundred 4 April

This week, 13:hundred will open with news headlines. We look at how social media could be desensitising people’s reactions to tragic events. Calvin Loncaric presents

more from April 5, 2017

13:hundred 4 April

This week, 13:hundred will open with news headlines. We look at how social media could be desensitising people’s reactions to tragic events. Calvin Loncaric presents

The Showdown 4 April

On this week of The Showdown, we have several exciting guests and stories. Tune in to see exclusive interviews with Cassie Dart, Yassir Morsi and

The 11th Hour 4 April 2017

This week on the 11th Hour, bombing in Russia, possible flooding in Rockhampton, Metro Rail construction closes Melbourne City square, rise in housing prices and