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Budget remedies for winter skin

Dry skin is a common complaint during colder weather but there are affordable, natural ways to combat it, writes Tijan Biner.

There are several things to look forward to about heading into colder weather, but dry, flaky skin is not one of them.

Thankfully, there are ways to bring life back to your winter skin without breaking the bank.

Associate Professor Greg Goodman from the Dermatology Institute of Victoria says basic skincare products such as moisturisers don’t need to be expensive.

“I don’t think you need to spend a lot of money on moisturisers,” he tells upstart. “The role of the moisturiser is to keep the skin supple and pliable, so therefore can be kept simple.”

Goodman highlights the importance of finding the right product for your skin type, especially when heading into colder weather.

“Your skin dries out in winter because there is less humidity so to compensate for this you might need to adjust the product you’re using,” he says.

Those with dry skin should opt for a thicker moisturiser as opposed to a lotion. Those with oily skin, on the other hand, can choose from a foaming or exfoliating cleanser.

“In winter, no matter what your skin type, try to choose products that will not strip your skin of its good oils,” Dr Goodman says. “Look for glycerine and lactic acid as these are what your skin already uses for its own internal moisturising control.”

Louise Penrose of The Beauty Vine tells upstart that a change in season doesn’t necessarily call for a complete change in skincare routine.

“All skin types can suffer from dehydration, whether you have a normal, combination, oily or a dry skin type. But if what you are using is working for you, then you don’t need to change anything,” she says.

One of the beauty blogger’s essentials is facial oil, which can be a beneficial addition to any winter skincare routine.

“Apply two to three drops of facial oil to your face or mix a drop or two into your moisturiser,” she says. “They remove makeup and cleanse the skin gently and effectively without stripping the skin of its natural oils.”

There are a number of natural remedies that will restore your skin’s moisture just as well as store-bought products, if not better. You may already have a number of them in your kitchen.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is naturally full of collagen, which supports lauric acid. It is easily absorbed into the skin. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, the natural anti-bacterial properties in coconut oil will ensure your complexion is brightened without adding oil.

Olive and grape seed oil

After showering, apply a thin layer of olive or grape seed oil to dry areas. Ensure you opt for an old pair of pyjamas to wear to bed. If covering yourself in oil doesn’t seem appealing, mix a few drops in your bathwater. Olive oil is full of nutrients and is a natural humectant that helps restore moisture to your dry skin.

Grape seed oil also assists with skin repair as it has mild astringent and antiseptic qualities. Some skincare companies use grape seed oil as a natural preservative in body products. It’s often found in moisturising creams and sunscreen.


As strange as it may sound, your skin can also benefit from a few drops of whole fat milk in your bathwater. The proteins, fats and vitamins can moisturise and soothe rough skin. Applying a thick layer of moisturiser three minutes after your shower is said to be most effective when aiming to trap moisture.

Image via WikiTricks


Dry and scaly skin can easily be covered on the body during winter, but when it comes to your face it’s not so easy. These homemade face masks will brighten your complexion for a fraction of the cost of a high-end facial moisturiser.

Egg yolk, olive oil and lemon face mask

Mix one egg yolk, one teaspoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The citric acid in lemon juice act as a natural exfoliant by removing the top layer of dead skin cells. The water and fat in egg yolk calms the skin and battles blemishes.

Banana face mask

Bananas are also a fantastic dry skin home remedy. Mash one ripe banana and apply it thickly over your face. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse. Banana peels also contain a good amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are great for the skin.


Regardless of which skincare path you take this winter, your mother’s old-fashioned advice remains relevant. Penrose says that maintaining supple, post-summer skin extends well beyond fancy beauty routines.

“It’s a well-known fact that protecting your skin from the sun is the best anti-ageing skincare advice, particularly here in Australia,” she says.

Yes, do expect sun in the middle of winter, and do use sunscreen – this is Australia, after all.

“It also goes without saying that drinking plenty of water, and maintaining a healthy diet are always a good foundation for healthy skin.”


Featured image via StyleHolster

Tijan BinerTijan Biner is a third-year Bachelor of Journalism student at La Trobe University. You can follow her on Twitter: @tijanb.

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