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Christine Nixon

Was the media fair to this cop?

The release of Christine Nixon’s autobiography has sparked fresh debate about the media’s treatment of women in positions of authority. Helen Lobato examines the former Victoria Police Chief Commissioner’s complaints.

Was the media fair to this cop?

The release of Christine Nixon’s autobiography has sparked fresh debate about the media’s treatment of women in positions of authority. Helen Lobato examines the former Victoria Police Chief Commissioner’s complaints.

more from Christine Nixon

QandA Scorecard: Megalogenis masterclass

Lectures defeated laughter in last night’s episode of QandA, according to the scorecards of this week’s judges, Eric George and Adria De Fazio.

Was the media fair to this cop?

The release of Christine Nixon’s autobiography has sparked fresh debate about the media’s treatment of women in positions of authority. Helen Lobato examines the former Victoria Police Chief Commissioner’s complaints.