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New News 2010 Conference

Journos and pollies: lessons learned from Election 2010

What do journalists and politicians have in common? They’ve both learned a valuable lesson from Election 2010. Sarah Green reviews ABC Managing Director Mark Scott’s keynote address at the Melbourne Writers Festival.

Reviewers wanted for Melbourne Writers Festival

Heading to the Melbourne Writers Festival? Then why not write something yourself – this year’s program includes an array of international speakers and recently graduated former upstart editor, Tom Cowie, as well as several La Trobe Journalism staff.

Journos and pollies: lessons learned from Election 2010

What do journalists and politicians have in common? They’ve both learned a valuable lesson from Election 2010. Sarah Green reviews ABC Managing Director Mark Scott’s keynote address at the Melbourne Writers Festival.

Reviewers wanted for Melbourne Writers Festival

Heading to the Melbourne Writers Festival? Then why not write something yourself – this year’s program includes an array of international speakers and recently graduated former upstart editor, Tom Cowie, as well as several La Trobe Journalism staff.

more from New News 2010 Conference

The funding journalism conundrum

Financial journalist Alan Kohler and ninemsn head Andrew Hunter spoke about the funding of journalism in the online age during the New News 2010 Conference at the Melbourne Writers Festival. Evan Harding was there for upstart.

Journos and pollies: lessons learned from Election 2010

What do journalists and politicians have in common? They’ve both learned a valuable lesson from Election 2010. Sarah Green reviews ABC Managing Director Mark Scott’s keynote address at the Melbourne Writers Festival.

Reviewers wanted for Melbourne Writers Festival

Heading to the Melbourne Writers Festival? Then why not write something yourself – this year’s program includes an array of international speakers and recently graduated former upstart editor, Tom Cowie, as well as several La Trobe Journalism staff.