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Stephanie De Campo

Cathy Anderson – Working Journalist profile

Cathy Anderson admits that she had always wanted to be a journalist, except for a brief period when she was six-years-old and she wanted to be a jockey.These days you won’t find her doing track work, but she’s already built up an eclectic track record, as Stephanie De Campo discovered.

Cathy Anderson – Working Journalist profile

Cathy Anderson admits that she had always wanted to be a journalist, except for a brief period when she was six-years-old and she wanted to be a jockey.These days you won’t find her doing track work, but she’s already built up an eclectic track record, as Stephanie De Campo discovered.

more from Stephanie De Campo

Meet upstart editor, Erdem Koc

Final year Law/Media student Erdem Koc has been appointed editor of upstart for the rest of 2009. Please make him welcome, as he settles into his first week at the editor’s desk (which is actually a pretty basic laptop).

Cathy Anderson – Working Journalist profile

Cathy Anderson admits that she had always wanted to be a journalist, except for a brief period when she was six-years-old and she wanted to be a jockey.These days you won’t find her doing track work, but she’s already built up an eclectic track record, as Stephanie De Campo discovered.