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Sunday Age

Defying the age barrier

81 year-old Antony Martin never wins the race. He wins his age category but he keeps running because it’s not about winning or losing ­it’s about enduring. Sarah Baker caught up to him ahead the recent running of this year’s Melbourne Marathon.

Defying the age barrier

81 year-old Antony Martin never wins the race. He wins his age category but he keeps running because it’s not about winning or losing ­it’s about enduring. Sarah Baker caught up to him ahead the recent running of this year’s Melbourne Marathon.

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Bound for Kuwait

It’s been a big week for a number of upstart contributors. Editor Erdem Koc and final-year students Kelly Theobald and Tom Cowie are off to Kuwait to join a study tour for Australian journalism students. And our sports section is ramping up for the summer with new features about Melbourne’s spring carnival and the resurgence of roller derby.

Defying the age barrier

81 year-old Antony Martin never wins the race. He wins his age category but he keeps running because it’s not about winning or losing ­it’s about enduring. Sarah Baker caught up to him ahead the recent running of this year’s Melbourne Marathon.