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September 25, 2009

How hip-hop is Melbourne?

Hip-hop might have first emerged on the other side of the planet, but what’s unique about the way it’s evolved in Melbourne? Our Incubator team spoke about this and more with La Trobe University student Emma Yager, who has been studying the subculture for her Honours thesis.

Front and centre

Who do you barrack for? Whether we’re talking politics or footy, Tom Cowie believes there’s not a lot of difference between how we makes our choices, and in the case of politics, all too little to choose from.

How hip-hop is Melbourne?

Hip-hop might have first emerged on the other side of the planet, but what’s unique about the way it’s evolved in Melbourne? Our Incubator team spoke about this and more with La Trobe University student Emma Yager, who has been studying the subculture for her Honours thesis.

Front and centre

Who do you barrack for? Whether we’re talking politics or footy, Tom Cowie believes there’s not a lot of difference between how we makes our choices, and in the case of politics, all too little to choose from.

more from September 25, 2009

Things to do on grand final day if you don’t like football

If you’re one of those people who thinks that a Buddy Franklin is a mid-sized bottle of mineral water and that Geelong’s jumpers are a fashion crime — big men should NEVER wear horizontal stripes — then here’s upstart’s guide to surviving AFL Grand Final day.

How hip-hop is Melbourne?

Hip-hop might have first emerged on the other side of the planet, but what’s unique about the way it’s evolved in Melbourne? Our Incubator team spoke about this and more with La Trobe University student Emma Yager, who has been studying the subculture for her Honours thesis.

Front and centre

Who do you barrack for? Whether we’re talking politics or footy, Tom Cowie believes there’s not a lot of difference between how we makes our choices, and in the case of politics, all too little to choose from.