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September 22, 2010

The NBN: What it means for Australia

The plan is optic fibre, the result is less time spent downloading YouTube clips and more national coverage. Joni Sham reports on the National Broadband Network proposal.

The NBN: What it means for Australia

The plan is optic fibre, the result is less time spent downloading YouTube clips and more national coverage. Joni Sham reports on the National Broadband Network proposal.

more from September 22, 2010

Bare Witness benefit night

Come and support the journalists in East Timor tonight by attending a special benefit and mutli-media performance exploring the issues foreign correspondents face in times of war.

The NBN: What it means for Australia

The plan is optic fibre, the result is less time spent downloading YouTube clips and more national coverage. Joni Sham reports on the National Broadband Network proposal.