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April 24, 2011

Criticism lost in the legend of the Anzacs

The significance of Anzac Day to many Australians need not prevent an ongoing critique of war and of the relevance of the Anzac legend, says Suzannah Marshall Macbeth.

Criticism lost in the legend of the Anzacs

The significance of Anzac Day to many Australians need not prevent an ongoing critique of war and of the relevance of the Anzac legend, says Suzannah Marshall Macbeth.

more from April 24, 2011

upstart street talk: Anzac Day

What does Anzac Day mean to you? What is its relevance almost 100 years on? upstart’s Penny Evangelou and Katharina Hackler talk to students and staff at La Trobe University.

Criticism lost in the legend of the Anzacs

The significance of Anzac Day to many Australians need not prevent an ongoing critique of war and of the relevance of the Anzac legend, says Suzannah Marshall Macbeth.