The Australian Greens party are pushing to legalise cannabis in Victoria from 2024.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in both Australia and the world. Despite this, it’s still illegal in Australia.
In a media release, the Greens say they plan on regulating the sale and consumption of cannabis, which would be taxed.
The tax could see $1.2 billion dollars raised over the next decade, which the party says should be used for drug and alcohol treatment services.
It would also decriminalise the possession of small amounts of other drugs from next year, which could save up to $250 million dollars in police, court, and prison fees.
Dr Tim Read, the Victorian Greens health and justice spokesperson, says that a new approach towards drugs is needed, and that this could reduce the demand for black market purchases.
“We need a smarter approach to drugs, and decriminalisation of drug use is the first step,” he said.
“It also means legalising and regulating the sale and use of cannabis so that Victorians aren’t buying dangerous products from the black market…If we’re serious about tackling organised crime, taking their market away will do more than any amount of enforcement.”
The Greens have also received constitutional law advice that could see cannabis legalised in Federal Parliament for adults across Australia, overriding state and territory criminal laws.
We can legalise it!
Legal advice obtained by my office shows that the Greens can pass a bill to legalise cannabis NATIONALLY.
All state legislation criminalising its legal use, possession and sale can be overridden. We could legalise cannabis across the country this year!— David Shoebridge (@DavidShoebridge) September 25, 2022
A spokesperson for the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus told SBS News that the government doesn’t back the plan.
“The Australian Government does not propose to legalise the production, sale and use of cannabis,” he said.
PHOTO: Person Holding Green Cannabis by Aphiwat Chuangchoem available HERE and used under a Creative Commons License. This photo has not been modified.