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Australian Commercial Radio Awards

Leaving on a high

Hamish and Andy’s five-year reign as Australia’s leading drive-time comedians came to a close last week in Melbourne. Sarah Baker looks back on the highlights and finds that video didn’t kill these radio stars.

Leaving on a high

Hamish and Andy’s five-year reign as Australia’s leading drive-time comedians came to a close last week in Melbourne. Sarah Baker looks back on the highlights and finds that video didn’t kill these radio stars.

more from Australian Commercial Radio Awards

Interview with 3AW’s Neil Mitchell

In his 25 years at 3AW, broadcaster Neil Mitchell has been no stranger to controversy. Mandi Santic spoke to him about journalism, talkback radio and future female hosts.

Leaving on a high

Hamish and Andy’s five-year reign as Australia’s leading drive-time comedians came to a close last week in Melbourne. Sarah Baker looks back on the highlights and finds that video didn’t kill these radio stars.