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Dustin Fletcher

SportsUp episode three

Episode three of SportsUp, upstart’s sports podcast, covers the news in AFL, both A-League and European football and Australia’s upcoming T20 World Cup campaign. Join Sean Munaweera, Luke Sale and Nick Schomburgk for this edition.

SportsUp episode three

Episode three of SportsUp, upstart’s sports podcast, covers the news in AFL, both A-League and European football and Australia’s upcoming T20 World Cup campaign. Join Sean Munaweera, Luke Sale and Nick Schomburgk for this edition.

more from Dustin Fletcher

On-field reclaims the spotlight

After more than two years of off-field drama, happenings on the field have once again taken ascendency in the AFL world, writes Matt Goss.

SportsUp episode three

Episode three of SportsUp, upstart’s sports podcast, covers the news in AFL, both A-League and European football and Australia’s upcoming T20 World Cup campaign. Join Sean Munaweera, Luke Sale and Nick Schomburgk for this edition.