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A furry fantasy

Animal alter egos, conventions and fursuit pornography, welcome to the world of furry enthusiasts. Liana Neri learns about the quirky subculture that’s slowly growing in Australia.

A furry fantasy

Animal alter egos, conventions and fursuit pornography, welcome to the world of furry enthusiasts. Liana Neri learns about the quirky subculture that’s slowly growing in Australia.

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The accidental hipster

As one of Melbourne’s dominating subcultures, is it surprising that hipsters are often stereotyped in such a negative way? Short doc by Bridget Rollason, Tahlia McPherson, Tim Arendshorst and Stephanie Azzopardi.

A furry fantasy

Animal alter egos, conventions and fursuit pornography, welcome to the world of furry enthusiasts. Liana Neri learns about the quirky subculture that’s slowly growing in Australia.