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The Dark Knight

Not the best films of the decade — but close

The noughties was a memorable decade for film. Just think of such gems as Battlefield Earth, Glitter starring Mariah Carey, and Catwoman — none of which made Michael Calle’s list of the ten best films of the decade.

Not the best films of the decade — but close

The noughties was a memorable decade for film. Just think of such gems as Battlefield Earth, Glitter starring Mariah Carey, and Catwoman — none of which made Michael Calle’s list of the ten best films of the decade.

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Not the best films of the decade — but close

The noughties was a memorable decade for film. Just think of such gems as Battlefield Earth, Glitter starring Mariah Carey, and Catwoman — none of which made Michael Calle’s list of the ten best films of the decade.