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Victoria plans to outlaw Nazi salutes

The act was performed at a far-right protest.

The Victorian Government plans to fast-track banning the Nazi salute after a group of neo-Nazis from the National Socialist Network performed the act at an anti-transgender protest on parliament steps.

Around 30 men from the group crashed the rally that took place on Saturday, which was led by British anti-trans campaigner Kelly-Jay Keen-Minshull.

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes confirmed this morning that legislation will be put forward, and will expand the anti-vilification protections.

“We’ll look at how this can be done carefully, with considered consultation with a variety of groups and will have more to say on the details of this legislation as we undertake that,” she said in a statement on Monday.

Premier Dan Andrews condemned the show of Nazism on social media, and expressed his support to the transgender community, saying their rights are not negotiable.

“I won’t share a photo because they simply don’t deserve the attention. But yesterday, anti-trans activists gathered to spread hate,” he tweeted.

“They were there to say the trans community don’t deserve rights, safety or dignity… and those who stand with them don’t, either.”

Opposition leader John Pesutto said he stands by the government’s call to outlaw the Nazi salute.

“These values that we saw on the steps of parliament were not consistent with the values I and the Liberal Party stand for.” he said.

While Pesutto said he understands the need for freedom of speech, he still finds justification for the ban.

“I also have always understood that they need to be reasonable limitations on free speech and anything, whether it’s a salute, or a symbol that has the potential to incite violence and injury,” he told 3AW.

Last year the Andrews government was the first to ban the Nazi swastika in Australia. Anyone who publicly displays the Nazi symbol faces a year in prison or a $22,000 fine.

Photo: Parliament House in Melbourne by Donaldtong is available HERE. The photo has not been modified.

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