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Students’ short films to screen

La Trobe University's media and cinema students have been given an opportunity to showcase their short films at an upcoming screening. Edward Drake has the details.

The La Trobe University Media and Cinema program is proud to present this year’s stellar crop of student films.

With topics ranging from the macabre to the dreamlike and back again, the calibre of filmmaking has never been higher. Many hours logged in the editing suites, meticulously trimming frames and sound-waves has led to this night  where creativity will flow to the screen and spark our collective imagination.

Does the next Bigelow or Tarantino walk amongst us? Will we soon see our peers’ names in lights? Or do they never want to look at a tripod again?

A special thanks must be extended to Kristin Bacon from Loop. These films could not have come to fruition without the help, advice and support of Angie Black, Rachelle Harris,Margaret Purdam, Ian Armet, Jess Baker and everyone else in Media technical services.

The screening will be held at Melbourne’s Loop Bar on Wednesday June 9 from 7pm. Friends, family and other guests are more than welcome.

Edward Drake is a second year Bachelor of Media Studies student.

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