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David Marr

La Trobe University to host asylum seeker forum

La Trobe’s ‘Ideas and Society Program’ will bring together three key Australians who have made their mark in pressing for more humane solutions to the asylum seeker crisis.

La Trobe University to host asylum seeker forum

La Trobe’s ‘Ideas and Society Program’ will bring together three key Australians who have made their mark in pressing for more humane solutions to the asylum seeker crisis.

more from David Marr

Tony Abbott: ‘A master of scorn’

In his new Quarterly Essay, David Marr focuses on the past and person that is Tony Abbott, and speculates on the type of Prime Minister he could be, writes Matt Smith.

La Trobe University to host asylum seeker forum

La Trobe’s ‘Ideas and Society Program’ will bring together three key Australians who have made their mark in pressing for more humane solutions to the asylum seeker crisis.