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Mathias Cormann

What are our male pollies wearing?

Image is everything in politics, particularly if you’re a woman. But what about the men? What constitutes a well-dressed politician, the double-breast, pinstripe or perhaps an outrageous tie? Upstart decided to tweet all the male MPs we could think of to see what’s the most popular choice of attire.

What are our male pollies wearing?

Image is everything in politics, particularly if you’re a woman. But what about the men? What constitutes a well-dressed politician, the double-breast, pinstripe or perhaps an outrageous tie? Upstart decided to tweet all the male MPs we could think of to see what’s the most popular choice of attire.

more from Mathias Cormann

What are our male pollies wearing?

Image is everything in politics, particularly if you’re a woman. But what about the men? What constitutes a well-dressed politician, the double-breast, pinstripe or perhaps an outrageous tie? Upstart decided to tweet all the male MPs we could think of to see what’s the most popular choice of attire.