With all the recent kerfuffle about Julia Gillard’s dress sense and the media’s general obsession with what women MPs look like — and their deafening silence on the fashions of their male counterparts — we figured it was time to turn the tables and ask what our bloke MPs are wearing.
To investigate, this morning we filled twitter with messages to male federal MPs from both major parties and asked them what they’re currently wearing. It wasn’t long before the blokes sending in their sartorial choices — and we present them here.
Liberal Senator for Western Australia, Mathias Cormann responded (@MathiasCormann) replied simply ‘a suit’. We’ve requested that Mr Cormann elaborate. Wool or tweed? Two button or three? Australian made, or imported? These are the big issues — and the ones for which the voters need answers.
Some of our other pollies were more expansive. Senator for South Australia, Simon Birmingham (@birmo) tweeted that he’s a ‘pure wool blue single breast 2 button pin stripe, white shirt, stripe tie’ kind of a guy. He qualified it by saying that he prefers issues over image. We’re waiting to hear back on what labels the good Senator prefers.
Meanwhile Federal member for Cook and Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Scott Morrison (@ScottMorrisonMP) tells us that he’s currently attired in a ‘blue shirt and tie today’. Mr Morrison added that he doesn’t ‘think GQ will be calling’.
Updates: Simon Birmingham reveals that he’s dressed by ‘local Adelaide business Joseph Uzumcu’.
Steve Gibbons (@stevegibbonsmp), the Member for Bendigo, shared that he’d had just ‘climbed out of the politicians costume and into track pants and windcheater’. And his political costume of choice? ‘Standard politicians attire, definitely no bottle suit!’
Alex Hawke (@alexhawkemp), the member for Mitchell in Northwest Sydney tells us that he’s ‘spending 18 hours a day in a suit’, but didn’t elaborate on the label or style of suit.
Follow @upstartmagazine on Twitter to find out what our male politicans are wearing.