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Piers Morgan

50 Interviews– You’re an unbelievably stupid man

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre, CNN’s Piers Morgan and Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt go for each other’s throats, in this interview selected by Will Vero for our 50 Interviews project.

50 Interviews– You’re an unbelievably stupid man

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre, CNN’s Piers Morgan and Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt go for each other’s throats, in this interview selected by Will Vero for our 50 Interviews project.

more from Piers Morgan

50 Interviews– You’re an unbelievably stupid man

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre, CNN’s Piers Morgan and Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt go for each other’s throats, in this interview selected by Will Vero for our 50 Interviews project.