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Streaming Wars

Do we have too many streaming choices?

Streaming Wars

Do we have too many streaming choices?

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From history to a media career

Between the battlefields of Hastings and the bushrangers of Glenrowan, a film and television career was discovered. Join historian Alex McDermott on his extraordinary journey in discovering the past. Kim Hellard reports.

A new audience…and a new follower.

Just like upstart’s latest follower on Twitter, I’ve realised that I erred in judgment this week, by concluding that the newest social media phenomenon had the ultimate power to deliver a mass audience to to our fledgling publishing endeavour. Apparently, that’s only partially true.

The harsh reality

Australia’s appetite for reality television has yet to be sated, with the finale of MasterChef attracting more than four-million viewers. While many critics dismiss the reality genre as brainless and moronic, Gulsum Unal argues that there’s good reasons why so many of us enjoy watching it.