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Trainee reporter

The Australian Financial Review are looking for a Sydney-based trainee journalist. Applications close 6 December.

Write for The Book Show blog

Got a passion for reading, writing and publishing? ABC Radio National’s The Book Show is looking for young writers for a new blog. But be warned, only book worms need apply.

Traineeships at Fairfax

Feeling glum about your prospects of ever finding a job when you graduate? Well this will brighten your day — three traineeships with Fairfax.

Trainee reporter

The Australian Financial Review are looking for a Sydney-based trainee journalist. Applications close 6 December.

Write for The Book Show blog

Got a passion for reading, writing and publishing? ABC Radio National’s The Book Show is looking for young writers for a new blog. But be warned, only book worms need apply.

Traineeships at Fairfax

Feeling glum about your prospects of ever finding a job when you graduate? Well this will brighten your day — three traineeships with Fairfax.

more from traineeships

Editorial traineeships at The Age

Touch-up your resume and start planning your 500-word autobiographical piece because applications are now open for ‘The Age’s’ 2011 traineeship progam.

Trainee reporter

The Australian Financial Review are looking for a Sydney-based trainee journalist. Applications close 6 December.

Write for The Book Show blog

Got a passion for reading, writing and publishing? ABC Radio National’s The Book Show is looking for young writers for a new blog. But be warned, only book worms need apply.

Traineeships at Fairfax

Feeling glum about your prospects of ever finding a job when you graduate? Well this will brighten your day — three traineeships with Fairfax.