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The Twitterati take on Canberra

The revolution will be tweeted.

The media140 series of conferences comes to Old Parliament House in Canberra on 29 July 2010 to discuss how ‘the real-time web’ is transforming politics.

media140: Changing the world 140 characters at a time

Speakers at the one-day ‘media140 #OzPolitics‘ conference will include MP tweeters Federal Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey (@joehockey), Greens Senator Christine Milne (@senatormilne), and Labor Senator Kate Lundy (@katelundy).

Representatives of the Fourth Estate include ABC Radio Chief Political Correspondent Lyndal Curtis (@lyndalcurtis) and SBS’s Chief Political Correspondent Karen Middleton (@karenmmiddleton).

Registration is $320, but students are eligible for a 50 per cent discount. To enquire about discounted tickets, email or @oz140 via twitter.

media140 was founded in February 2009 by Andrew Gregson and launched in London on the 20th May 2009 with a conference entitled ‘The future of real time news’.

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