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October 26, 2013

An Oscar-worthy Captain

Tom Hanks delivers the performance of his life in Paul Greengrass’s tense thriller, Captain Phillips, writes Rameez Abdeen.

Machete kills all the fun

Robert Rodriguez’s latest film attempts to channel the past but ends up dull and uninteresting, writes Rameez Abdeen.

An Oscar-worthy Captain

Tom Hanks delivers the performance of his life in Paul Greengrass’s tense thriller, Captain Phillips, writes Rameez Abdeen.

Machete kills all the fun

Robert Rodriguez’s latest film attempts to channel the past but ends up dull and uninteresting, writes Rameez Abdeen.

more from October 26, 2013

La Dolce Vita

The Gelato World Tour has rolled into Melbourne and places the local gelato making talent on a global stage, writes Matt Calvitto.

An Oscar-worthy Captain

Tom Hanks delivers the performance of his life in Paul Greengrass’s tense thriller, Captain Phillips, writes Rameez Abdeen.

Machete kills all the fun

Robert Rodriguez’s latest film attempts to channel the past but ends up dull and uninteresting, writes Rameez Abdeen.