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Labor divided over conscience vote

The push to scrap a conscience vote on marriage equality hasn’t received unanimous support. Ethan Miller explains why a binding vote may be an impractical move.

The change Bill needs to be

It’s up to Labor’s new leader to change his public perception if he is to have a shot at winning the next election, writes Liam Quinn.

Labor divided over conscience vote

The push to scrap a conscience vote on marriage equality hasn’t received unanimous support. Ethan Miller explains why a binding vote may be an impractical move.

The change Bill needs to be

It’s up to Labor’s new leader to change his public perception if he is to have a shot at winning the next election, writes Liam Quinn.

more from ALP

The future of Labor: a webcast conversation

What is Labor’s future? Join La Trobe University’s Professor of Politics Robert Manne as he discusses the future of the Labor Party in Australia with political commentator Mark Latham, a former leader of the federal Labor party.

The ex-leader factor

With less than two weeks to go until the election, Lawrie Zion examines the impact of yet another former Labor leader intervening in Julia Gillard’s campaign.