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Is ‘healthy’ the new skinny?

As health and fitness are essential trends to many women, Cassandra De Palma questions if this fad still appeals to a woman’s need to be slim.

Beyoncé mood boost

Your favourite song might be doing more than you think. Timothy Arendshorst explores the influence that music has on our happiness.

Is ‘healthy’ the new skinny?

As health and fitness are essential trends to many women, Cassandra De Palma questions if this fad still appeals to a woman’s need to be slim.

Beyoncé mood boost

Your favourite song might be doing more than you think. Timothy Arendshorst explores the influence that music has on our happiness.

more from Gym

Is ‘healthy’ the new skinny?

As health and fitness are essential trends to many women, Cassandra De Palma questions if this fad still appeals to a woman’s need to be slim.

Beyoncé mood boost

Your favourite song might be doing more than you think. Timothy Arendshorst explores the influence that music has on our happiness.

When does exercising become an obsession?

Personal trainer and gym manager Dominic Szczepaniak speaks with Toli Papadopoulos about obsessions with image, spotting an addiction to exercise and maintaining a healthy fitness regime.