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A new trend in film?

With the Veronica Mars Kickstarter project reaching its goal of $2 million in donations within a mere 12 hours of its campaign, Timothy Arendshorst asks which cult classic will make the next big comeback?

A new trend in film?

With the Veronica Mars Kickstarter project reaching its goal of $2 million in donations within a mere 12 hours of its campaign, Timothy Arendshorst asks which cult classic will make the next big comeback?

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Melbourne WebFest 2015: SYD2030 (AUS)

Better than Gossip Girl and the perfect break from study or work, SYD2030 is back for a second season and the stakes are higher than ever.

A new trend in film?

With the Veronica Mars Kickstarter project reaching its goal of $2 million in donations within a mere 12 hours of its campaign, Timothy Arendshorst asks which cult classic will make the next big comeback?