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Question Time

Questionable methods

After watching the last week of Question Time, Adria De Fazio asks if anything has been learnt from Julia Gillard’s fall.

On deaf ears

A pair of outgoing MPs called for a restoration of respect in their valedictory speeches. Unfortunately, it was lost on both parties, writes Liam Quinn.

Into the lion’s den

Can Gai Brodtmann’s mission to restore question time to its former glory be successful, asks Sarah Wallace.

Questionable methods

After watching the last week of Question Time, Adria De Fazio asks if anything has been learnt from Julia Gillard’s fall.

On deaf ears

A pair of outgoing MPs called for a restoration of respect in their valedictory speeches. Unfortunately, it was lost on both parties, writes Liam Quinn.

Into the lion’s den

Can Gai Brodtmann’s mission to restore question time to its former glory be successful, asks Sarah Wallace.

more from Question Time

Questionable methods

After watching the last week of Question Time, Adria De Fazio asks if anything has been learnt from Julia Gillard’s fall.

On deaf ears

A pair of outgoing MPs called for a restoration of respect in their valedictory speeches. Unfortunately, it was lost on both parties, writes Liam Quinn.

Into the lion’s den

Can Gai Brodtmann’s mission to restore question time to its former glory be successful, asks Sarah Wallace.

That boring government show

Politicians have a knack for being outlandish, as well as insanely boring. Nicole Mills looks back at her evolving opinion of the political circus, from her days waiting for Sesame Street to start, to her current love affair with the political media.