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An afternoon with Anita Barraud

ABC Radio National’s producer, presenter and wonder woman Anita Barraud tells Danna Diaz how she kick-started her career.

Mitt Romney: Boring voters to death

The lack of a suitable arch rival for President Obama has disillusioned the electorate regardless of their political persuasion, writes Liam Quinn.

An afternoon with Anita Barraud

ABC Radio National’s producer, presenter and wonder woman Anita Barraud tells Danna Diaz how she kick-started her career.

Mitt Romney: Boring voters to death

The lack of a suitable arch rival for President Obama has disillusioned the electorate regardless of their political persuasion, writes Liam Quinn.

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The Lynx ads: Puerile but harmless?

The recent claims that Unilever are ‘hypocritical’ is an overstatement – they’re marketers, after all, writes Laura Hurley