When Melbourne-based author Christine Lister began researching Australian quotes to include in her book, In the Garden of my Delights, it became very apparent that no national register of Australian quotes existed. She could find plenty from Americans and Europeans, but Australian quotes were in short supply.
In what can be likened to a nationwide treasure hunt, Lister hopes we will dig deep to find and share the buried treasure; the words and images that inspire and motivate us as Australians.
Lister has collected hundreds of quotes so far. Some are from well-known Australians, some from ordinary Australians, some from our elders and some from youths.
Do you have a piece of advice or wisdom you’d like to contribute? Anyone and everyone is being asked to share their insightful words for this project that will begin as a website and will later be released as a book, Australian Inspiration, containing some of the best quotes with iconic images.
Some of Lister’s current favourites include:
‘You have to go through a storm to get to a rainbow.’
Daniere Anthoney, 11 year old cancer sufferer’s blog
‘Sustainability is treating ourselves and our environment as if we are to live on this earth forever.’
Arron Wood, Prime Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year 2007
‘I live my life in gratitude.’
Olivia Newton-John, Singer, actress, songwriter
‘Those who lose dreaming are lost.’
Australian Aboriginal proverb
Australian Inspiration will be Lister’s forth published book. She started writing in late 2007, two years after the death of her husband Rex. Her first book, a heart-wrenching memoir, The Hidden Journey – Melanoma up Close and Personal was released in March 2009. The second, a picture storybook, Tahlia, You Can Do It! about the exploits of her great niece learning to ride a motorbike, was released in December 2009. The third, In the Garden of my Delights – Inspiration and Quotes for the Heart and Soul, released this September, was the catalyst for Australian Inspiration.
Before taking up writing, Lister worked in education for 36 years, the final 11 years as a primary school principal.
Lister is hopeful the success of this quest will allow our Australian voice and essence to resonate around the country. Anyone can contribute a quote to this project, with a chance for their words of wisdom be published in a book.
For more information visit Christine Lister’s website.
You can also follow @aussiequotes on Twitter.
Ryan Jon is a part of upstart’s editorial team and is currently enrolled in La Trobe’s Graduate Diploma of Journalism Program