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Matt Smith

Australia Decides 2013 Episode Five

Professor Nick Bisley and Gwenda Tavan join Matt Smith just in time for the election in the fifth instalment of Australia Decides 2013.

Australia Decides 2013 Episode Five

Professor Nick Bisley and Gwenda Tavan join Matt Smith just in time for the election in the fifth instalment of Australia Decides 2013.

more from Matt Smith

Film review: The Muppets

The Muppets are back, and they’ve got the fart shoes to prove it, says Matt Smith.

Film review: The Adventures of Tintin

With a plot significantly more intelligent than alternative 3D animation fare, The Adventures of Tintin is a standard Spielberg movie full of dumb, fun action scenes says Matt Smith.

Interview with Colin Hay

As the lead singer of Men at Work, Colin Hay is remembered for some of Australia’s most famous songs. He talks to Matt Smith about music and touring.

The news cycle is now an opinion cycle: Malcolm Turnbull

Shadow Communication Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Australian political journalism increasingly focuses on personality and ‘the game of politics’ rather than substantive issues, writes Matt Smith.

Movie review: Drive

Drive aims to be both an action and an art house movie, but ultimately achieves neither, says Matt Smith.

A spotlight on journalism ethics

An independent media inquiry is underway in Australia looking at pressures facing newspapers, as well as the operation of the Australian Press Council. Matt Smith speaks to prominent media experts about some of the issues facing Australian journalism.

It’s (almost) summer at upstart

We’re going into summer mode here at upstart magazine, which means a variety of things for this publication, including a new editorial team.

There’s hope yet: Fairfax CEO

Journalism will rise like a phoenix from the ashes of newspapers, according to Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood, who gave a public lecture in Melbourne last night. And as Matt Smith reports, he’s quite confident in the industry’s future.

Debate ‘finished’? A Manne vs The Australian debacle

Robert Manne’s 40,000 word critique of The Australian newspaper in the latest Quarterly Essay resulted in what was supposed to be a debate at The Wheeler Centre. But as Matt Smith reports, it was unavoidably a one-sided talk.

Mark Scott interview

In this La Trobe podcast interview with Matt Smith, ABC Managing Director Mark Scott discusses the phone hacking scandal and its possible fallout, journalism practice and ethics, the changing media landscape, and, of course, the ABC.