What fuels Melbourne’s independent music scene?
A look into Melbourne’s diverse creative community.
A look into Melbourne’s diverse creative community.
Melbourne’s live music scene facing issues.
The closure of venues across Melbourne’s music scene is saddening, but there may be hope, writes Meaghan Weiley.
A look into Melbourne’s diverse creative community.
Melbourne’s live music scene facing issues.
The closure of venues across Melbourne’s music scene is saddening, but there may be hope, writes Meaghan Weiley.
The industry is struggling through the pandemic
A look into Melbourne’s diverse creative community.
Melbourne’s live music scene facing issues.
The closure of venues across Melbourne’s music scene is saddening, but there may be hope, writes Meaghan Weiley.
Technology has created a ‘digital’ era where music is available at the press of a button, but what impact has this had on ‘live’ music? Stacey Elms-King reports.
Julian Gasparri discusses the top five behaviours that he believes people should control when at live music gigs.
Melburnians rallied on Saturday to show their support to save the Palace Theatre from demolition. Grant Roberts was there with his camera.
Cass Savellis takes a look at the documentary, ‘Persecution Blues: The Battle For The Tote’, detailing the closure of The Tote and why live music venues are worth fighting for.
Bush-doof virgin Renee Tibbs moseyed on down to rural Victoria to see what this counter-culture festival is all about.
PJ Harvey delivers a live rendition of last years ‘album of the year’ at Hobart’s MONA FOMA. Expat, Keith Mason, does his best to filter out the murmurings of locals and enjoy a classic performance from Polly Jean.
With an album out in August, Melbourne boys Husky have been touring and gaining a strong following. Radhika Chopra got the chance to see them in their hometown.
Try sinking a pint here next time you’re on Northcote’s High Street, says a beer-swilling Renee Tibbs.
On exchange in Columbia, Missouri, La Trobe student Liana Neri got the chance to check out Snoop Dogg himself. When the pimp’s in the crib…
With Splendour in the Grass side shows on every night, it’s been a huge and expensive week for Melbourne’s music lovers. Josephine Crawley scored tickets to Two Door Cinema Club’s sold out show, and writes that their well rehearsed set and infectious energy made for an excellent night.
With Melbourne’s live music scene on the endangered species list, Ryan Jon finds out what live music means to Melburnians.
The closure of The Tote made Kim Hellard stop and think about two recent incidents that involved the best and worst in her musical life.