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Dinner with a difference

At a Warrandyte cafe, two refugees cook up a monthly three-course Tamil feast to raise awareness for other asylum seekers.

Reality TV’s role in social change

The refugee debate has divided the Australian public. Tiyana Matliovski asks whether Go Back To Where You Came From can shift perceptions and shape public policy.

The race to freedom

Sherydan Fitzgerald speaks candidly to a refugee who found the reality of seeking refuge was much different to what she was told.

Rhetoric on cue

The federal government’s new asylum seeker policy has reignited the debate from last year’s federal election. But as Erdem Koc explains, there’s one term in this debate which is both misleading and misinformed.

Free forum at Multicultural Arts Hub

How can technology help in the resettlement of young refugees? Does communication with their homeland make a difference? The Cultural Development Network and the City of Melbourne hope to address these issues at a public forum this week.