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more from university

2013 Emerging Writers’ Festival

If you’re an undergraduate at an Australian university short $4000, the Emerging Writers’ Festival is a great opportunity to be creative, get published and earn some cash.

The burden of balance

Ashley Shenker explores the challenges of balance between full-time work, studies and everyday life.

University or gap year?

With year 12 students about to finish high school, Sam McMeekin wonders whether going straight to university is the best option.

A little more conversation

A new website called The Conversation has got everyone talking. Jessica Buccolieri caught up with Matt de Neef, a former upstart editor who is now a member of the site’s editorial team.

2011 Guy Morrison Prize for Literary Journalism

Undergraduate and postgraduate journalism students have the opportunity to apply for this year’s Guy Morrison Prize. The winner will receive $2,000 for a quality piece of writing produced in 2010.

Student awards for sports journalism

Have you produced a journalistic work relating to sport? Are you an undergraduate journalism student? This year, the Australian Sports Commission Media Awards has included in its awards list a recognition of the best reporting of sport or sport-related issues by a student.