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Louise Bianco

A haunting holiday

Halloween is slowly gaining momentum in Australia and Louise Bianco wonders whether Aussies will ever embrace it.

Big Brother insurance

Are black boxes for cars designed to keep drivers safe or to make insurance companies rich, asks Louise Bianco.

A haunting holiday

Halloween is slowly gaining momentum in Australia and Louise Bianco wonders whether Aussies will ever embrace it.

Big Brother insurance

Are black boxes for cars designed to keep drivers safe or to make insurance companies rich, asks Louise Bianco.

more from Louise Bianco

The cars of tomorrow

We might not have flying cars anytime soon, but Louise Bianco explores the exciting technologies being developed for the future.

A haunting holiday

Halloween is slowly gaining momentum in Australia and Louise Bianco wonders whether Aussies will ever embrace it.

Big Brother insurance

Are black boxes for cars designed to keep drivers safe or to make insurance companies rich, asks Louise Bianco.

Generation ‘Me’

Generation Y think mortgages are too big of a burden. Renting and travelling seem to be the way to go, writes Louise Bianco.

Social Needia: The Epidemic

Louise Bianco gets up close and personal with Jordana Borensztajn, the mastermind behind the comedy show Social Needia: The Epidemic.

Mother phubber

Louise Bianco explains the social pandemic of phubbing, which affects more than nine million Australians.

Melbourne turns 178

Did you know the 30th August is Melbourne’s birthday. Louise Bianco gets us ready for the party.

Love the skin you’re in

Would you leave the house without wearing makeup? Louise Bianco gives you a very good reason to spend a day makeup free.

Meet the new upstart team

A new team of upstarteers is ready to take charge of our publication. It’s our biggest team to date and you can meet them all here.