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Foodie Filters

Instagram’s influence on Melbourne’s cafe culture.

Junk food junkies

We all know it’s bad for us, so why do we still eat it? Kevin Cheong explores junk food and its psychological effects.

The dangers of eating healthy

Watching what you eat isn’t always healthy for you. Emmie Dowling explains why over-thinking your diet can be damaging.

Share-house Diaries: Cooking for Beginners

Moving away from home for the first time can be daunting enough, especially if you don’t know how to cook. Chani Unger gives some tips for first time cooks.

Tofu or not tofu?: Hear the professionals raw

The ‘Real Fit Food 2.0: sports nutrition & living foods demo’ on 17th April saw many attend who were eager to hear about how to get the most out of a raw food diet. Madeleine McCarty went along.

Cooking with the cabinet

Can a cooking program humanise our politicians? Sheenal Singh discusses food, wine, and the art of conversation in ABC’s Kitchen Cabinet.

Behind the magazine: Beauty, fashion and food

In her latest instalment, Katharina Hackler chats to upstart’s Penny Evangelou about her interview with dating-guru Zoë Foster, and about her dreams of becoming a beauty and fashion writer herself.

When bloggers meet baristas

Take a bunch of food bloggers and posse of baristas keen to show their skills, and what have you got? Meghan Lodwick found out.

A Toasty Trend

Is there an emerging social trend for a delicious morning meal? Lee Tobin argues that breakfast clubs aren’t exclusive to the ’80s.

Breakfast in Barcelona

Lisa Rosman tries in vain to find the perfect breakfast in Barcelona before heading back home to Melbourne.

Not Quite Nigella

Hungry home chef Lorraine Elliott talks to Penny Evangelou about her blogging alter ego “Not Quite Nigella” and explains why she gave up her first love of fashion for butter and her blog.