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Streaming Wars

Do we have too many streaming choices?

Streaming Wars

Do we have too many streaming choices?

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Streaming Wars

Do we have too many streaming choices?

Holding on to Australian TV

More than 400 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Tiyana Matliovski asks if Australian TV can float in a sea of digital content.

The spontaneity of being a reporter

Channel Seven reporter, Kate Jones, tells emerging journalists to be prepared to cancel a lot of dinner plans, writes Lauren Bordin.

An Interview with Darren and Brose

Lovers of sketch comedy, Darren and Brose aim to bring back locally produced comedy to Australian television. Jena and Cecilia spoke to the comedic duo.

The Inside Scoop: television

In the third episode of this podcast series, Philippe Perez talks to people working within the medium of television.

Aussies stuck on the screen

Spending too much time with your ‘television friends’ and not enough with your own? Jacinta Newbold explores our generation’s new guilty pleasure.

Television: entertainer, teacher and friend.

As the BBC celebrates the 80th anniversary of its first experimental television broadcast, Chani Unger reflects on television’s past and where it is today.

Cooking with the cabinet

Can a cooking program humanise our politicians? Sheenal Singh discusses food, wine, and the art of conversation in ABC’s Kitchen Cabinet.

The Discarded – ‘Front-line heroes’

You’d hope that a show that aims to do its bit to stop inebriated Australians getting behind the wheel would be up there with the best of public service television, while driving up the ratings of course. But will it? Matt de Neef applies the random breath test treatment to Nine’s new offering, RBT.