upstart has a new face & voice
upstart celebrated its new look with a relaunch party
upstart celebrated its new look with a relaunch party
Kelly Theobald, whose life was cut tragically short by a car accident on the Birdsville Track in outback South Australia last Friday, crammed a lot of living into her 27 years, writes Lawrie Zion.
Satirical news has become a trusted news source, Caitlin McArthur asks whether it will surpass traditional media outlets.
upstart celebrated its new look with a relaunch party
Kelly Theobald, whose life was cut tragically short by a car accident on the Birdsville Track in outback South Australia last Friday, crammed a lot of living into her 27 years, writes Lawrie Zion.
Satirical news has become a trusted news source, Caitlin McArthur asks whether it will surpass traditional media outlets.
Through working in a newsroom-like environment, students gain valuable experience in the subject.
upstart celebrated its new look with a relaunch party
Kelly Theobald, whose life was cut tragically short by a car accident on the Birdsville Track in outback South Australia last Friday, crammed a lot of living into her 27 years, writes Lawrie Zion.
Satirical news has become a trusted news source, Caitlin McArthur asks whether it will surpass traditional media outlets.
The recent on-air shooting of two journalists in the U.S. has raised serious ethical questions for media outlets, writes Rudi Edsall.
Join a conversation with Steph Harmon, Managing Editor of Junkee, tomorrow at La Trobe University.
Please help us welcome a new cohort of emerging journalists to the blogosphere. Here’s the first pick of the produce from La Trobe Journalism’s first year students.
In a career littered with accolades, awards and recognition, Lawrie Zion has reached yet another milestone, writes Andrew Dimopoulos.
La Trobe University is hosting a panel of journalism experts discussing the future of the industry today.
In an Australian-first, journalism schools from four Melbourne universities will participate in a joint exercise to cover the Victorian election, writes Campbell Elmer.
Lawrie Zion explores the question of what happens to journalists who take a redundancy, as the media industry experiences the most serious contraction in its history.
It’s with great pleasure we announce this publication and its founders have been given a national award.
From Ben Lee to B.I.G, Liam Quinn looks at some of the questionable exclusions from Triple J’s Hottest 100 list.
As Triple J’s Hottest 100 of the last twenty years is released, Tara Watson revisits some of the questionably ranked songs, from Chumbawamba to Pauline Pantsdown.
La Trobe University is holding a career seminar for media students today.
A big welcome to the 200 new bloggers who have set up sites in the last week as part of a first-year journalism assignment at La Trobe University. And check out the every-growing #TEJ2013 blog roll.
upstart’s editor-in-chief Lawrie Zion will be delivering a paper at La Trobe University on Thursday about his new project.
Three years after upstart was launched the site has spawned its first offspring. In keeping with our mission to be a resource for emerging journalists, we’ve launched a new blog dedicated to exploring emerging best practices in digital journalism.
Canadian radio host Jian Ghomeshi got much more than he bargained for when Billy Bob Thornton dropped in for a breakfast chat with his band, The Boxmasters. Lawrie Zion kick-starts our mission to find 50 great interviews for journalists.
How will journalism, publishing, film, TV and game production fare as more industries move online? Join the discussion at the Screen Futures Summit, which is currently being held in Melbourne.